COVID-19 antivax quack Dr. Paul Marik has embraced vitamin D quackery. What does this say about the COVID “contrarian”-to-quack pipeline?

COVID-19 antivax quack Dr. Paul Marik has embraced vitamin D quackery. What does this say about the COVID “contrarian”-to-quack pipeline?
Quacks have long tried to portray themselves as “innovators” challenging an ossified medical consensus for the good of patients. This tradition continues among COVID-19 quacks, in particular the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and its founders.
Quacks delude themselves that they are brave mavericks who are being persecuted for “innovation.” That’s why they attack scientific authority that tells them they are quacks and cranks as “corrupt” and “unimaginative.”
A week ago, the World Health Organization held the First WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit this weekend. Unfortunately, its claims of being “evidence-based” aside, the conference followed the WHO’s usual pattern of serving as one-sided propaganda.
Earlier this month, COVID-19 quack Dr. Pierre Kory was told that the American Board of Internal Medicine had recommended removing his board certification. Kory’s answer? ABIM is corrupt!