Autism Quackery

One last link I forgot yesterday: A pediatrician’s perspective on thimerosal-autism

I don’t know how I missed this one yesterday, but a new blogger, Dr. Flea, sarcastically thanks RFK, Jr. for making his practice more difficult The Thimerosal-Autism story will not die. When I say that a patient asks me about thimerosal every day, I am not exaggerating. Here is today’s installment, in the form of […]


Careful, I might actually start to think that someone out there takes me seriously

I don’t normally read the Financial Times. “What?” you say. “I thought that all doctors read the FT.” Ah, but you forget that I’m an academic physician. Don’t get me wrong; I make a comfortable living, more money than I’ve made in my entire life, but I could almost certainly increase my earnings by 50-100% […]

Complementary and alternative medicine EneMan Evolution Medicine Science

Orac has a change of heart

You know, after all these years as a scientist, physician, and skeptic, I’ve been wondering. Perhaps it’s time to undergo a reassessment of my and philosophy. I’ve always been a bit of a curmudgeon, and it hasn’t really gotten me anywhere. My words appear to have no impact on the credulous. For example, perhaps I’ve […]

Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

RFK Jr. is at it again, just not about autism this time

I’m probably going to regret posting this article, as I normally don’t venture much into these areas. Chalk it up to its being 6/6/06 and say that the Devil made me do it, but I plan on diving in. Besides, I feel the need for a brief change of pace. Regular readers of this blog […]


Check out the new digs–and the new crew

Today is the day. Today is the day that Seed has decided to launch a revamped version of ScienceBlogs, complete with a spiffy new front page. It’s long overdue, as the front page as it was had caused a number of frustrations, not the least of which is that bloggers whose posts are not as […]