Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

The latest antivax lie from Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, and RFK Jr.: “COVID-19 vaccines are killing people!!!!”

The latest antivaccine disinformation, spread by Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, and RFK Jr., consists of pointing to the large numbers of reports of death (and other adverse events) to the VAERS database. It’s an old antivax deception.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Bioethics Medicine

Why is Peter Doshi still an editor at The BMJ? (RFK Jr. and COVID-19 vaccine edition)

BMJ senior editor Peter Doshi has been casting doubt on vaccine safety and efficacy since 2009. Now he’s “just asking questions” about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in a BMJ article reprinted verbatim by antivaxxer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Why does The BMJ still employ him?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Is Dr. Hooman Noorchashm’s #ScreenB4Vaccine being used by RFK Jr. to spread fear of COVID-19 vaccines?

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm has raised a concern about vaccinating people who’ve had COVID-19 before. Unfortunately, he is allowing antivaxxers to co-opt his concern to spread fear of COVID-19 vaccines. [Note: There is an addendum to this post. Please read it.]

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

Antivax lies about vaccines and infant mortality, 12 years later

Since COVID-19, in the antivax world everything old is new again. That’s right, Gary S. Goldman and Neil Z. Miller are back to defend their 2011 infant mortality “study” and RFK Jr. is flogging it as slam-dunk “evidence” that vaccines kill babies.

Clinical trials Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Here we go again: Is evidence-based medicine an “illusion”?

Every so few years, someone writes in a reputable journal that evidence-based medicine is corrupt or an “illusion.” Here we go again, this time in The BMJ, and antivaxxers are going wild.