Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Popular culture Science Skepticism/critical thinking

NIH funding lies weaponized as disinformation

It’s depressing to see formerly respected academics spread lies about the NIH funding process in order to undermine trust in COVID-19 public health science.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience

Scientific review articles as disinformation

Antivaxxers have always written dubious scientific review articles to try to make their wild speculations about vaccine science seem credible. Usually such articles wind up in bottom-feeding journals. Unfortunately a recent pseudo-review article was published by an Elsevier journal, making it seem more credible when it isn’t.

Bad science Medicine Politics Science

The Great Barrington Declaration never would have worked

A new paper provides yet more evidence that the “let COVID-19 rip” strategy behind the Great Barrington Declaration would have made the pandemic even more disastrous than it has already been.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience

No one should be surprised at the number of antivax doctors in a new survey

A recent survey suggests that a disturbingly high percentage of physicians are either vaccine hesitant or actually antivaccine. Those of us who have been writing about the antivaccine movement know that this is not new, but it seems new to our colleagues who weren’t paying attention before the pandemic.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Eliminating school vaccine mandates is the antivax endgame

The endgame of the antivaccine movement has always been the elimination of school vaccine mandates. The pandemic has greatly accelerated the timeline for them to accomplish this.