Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

Myocarditis and COVID-19 vaccines

Antivaxxers have been publicizing reports of myocarditis in young people, mostly male, after COVID-19 vaccination. ACIP will be meeting to discuss these reports to the VAERS database today. Is there a connection between mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

COVID-19 vaccines as part of a “depopulation agenda”

It’s ba-ack. Antivaxxers are once again claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are part of a “depopulation agenda.” Same as it ever was.


“If you’re pro-science, then you should be anti-vaccine”?

Antivaxxers love to claim the mantle of science and that they are more pro-science than vaccine advocates. They aren’t, although it is often true that they appear to “know” more about vaccines. The problem is motivated reasoning based on cherry picked evidence.

Anti-Semitism Antivaccine nonsense Holocaust denial Medicine Politics Popular culture

Juneteenth and Naomi Wolf: Antivaxxers co-opt another symbol to portray themselves as “oppressed”

Antivaxxers love to claim the mantle of the oppressed, even going so far as to use the Yellow Star of David to liken their “oppression” to that of the Jews under the Nazis. Now they’re trying to top even that by co-opting Juneteenth.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience

COVID-19 vaccines and female infertility: A lie that never dies

Antivaxxers have long claimed that vaccines can cause female infertility. That claim has been resurrected for COVID-19 vaccines. This time, it’s the lipid nanoparticles attacking the ovaries, echoing very old claims about polysorbate-80. Truly, everything old is new again.