Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Quackery

The vilest antivaccine lie that won’t die: Shaken baby syndrome as “vaccine injury”

Way back in the day, when I first encountered antivaccine views in that wretched Usenet swamp of pseudoscience, antiscience, and quackery known as, there was one particular antivaccine lie that disturbed me more than just about any other. No, it wasn’t the claim that vaccines cause autism, the central dogma of the antivaccine movement. […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

Yes, Virginia, there is an antivaccine movement (efforts to deny it notwithstanding)

There are times when I want to fall down on my knees and give thanks for certain cranks. I mean, where would my blogging material come from, were it not for antivaccine loons, quacks, cranks, creationists, and animal rights terrorists providing me with an unending stream of blog fodder? Were they all to disappear, I’d […]

Antivaccine nonsense Entertainment/culture Homeopathy Humor Medicine Quackery Television Uncategorized

Say it ain’t so, Amy Farrah Fowler!

Mayim Bialik plays the neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler on the geek comedy The Big Bang Theory. Unfortunately, in real life, Bialik is nothing like her fictional character Amy. In fact, Bialik is heavily into the woo and antivaccine enough to have become a celebrity spokeswoman for the Holistic Moms Network. Say it ain’t so!

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

The curious case of Patricia Finn, Esq., antivaccine lawyer

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last seven years, it’s that there are a handful of people in the “natural health” movement (a.k.a., quackery movement) who can reliably counted upon to bring home the crazy in spades. There is, of course the granddaddy of all conspiracy sites,, and its creator John Scudamore, […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics

Now Andy Wakefield will prevail in his libel suit against Brian Deer because John Walker-Smith won his appeal? Not so fast there, pardner…

I don’t know what it is about the beginning of a year. I don’t know if it’s confirmation bias or real, but it sure seems that something big happens early every year in the antivaccine world. Consider. As I pointed out back in February 2009, in rapid succession Brian Deer reported that Andrew Wakefield had […]