Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The annals of “I’m not anti-vaccine,” part 4 (End of 2010 edition)

Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. I realize I say these things again and again and again, but they bear repeating because together they are a message that needs to be spread in as clear and unambiguous a form as possible. First, whenever you hear someone say, “I’m not […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

Lamenting Deadly Choices that endanger children

As hard as it is to believe after the pile of poo that was 2010, the year 2011 is starting out rather promisingly, at least from the point of view of science-based medicine. Its beginning has been greeted with the release of two–count ’em, two!–books taking a skeptical, science-based look at vaccines and, in particular, […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

Jenny McCarthy weighs in about Andrew Wakefield–with predictable results

The fallout from Brian Deer’s further revelations of the scientific fraud that is anti-vaccine hero Andrew Wakefield continues apace. Remember last week, when I wrote about the first article of the two-part series enumerating the various ways that Andrew Wakefield committed scientific fraud in putting together the case series that became the basis of his […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The clueless cite the ignorant to argue against vaccines

Remember Medical Voices? It’s a group that I first discovered a year and a half ago that represented itself as a group of physicians and medical professionals who wanted to produce the “most comprehensive educational center on the Internet for physicians seeking the truth about vaccines.” Of course, it didn’t take me long to realize […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery

The resurrection of David Kirby as an anti-vaccine propagandist

Four days later, I still can’t figure it out. I really can’t. Remember the other day when I said I was debating whether or not to respond to the latest excretion from one of the first hangers-on of the anti-vaccine movement I ever encountered after I started blogging. I’m referring, of course, to freelance journalist […]