(Note: In the photo above, the guy in the sunglasses behind Jim Carrey is our old friend Dr. Jay Gordon, Santa Monica antivaccinationist-sympathetic pediatrician to the beautiful people. He’s the one with his tongue sticking out.) It’s worse than I thought. In seeing the first bits of video last night from the “Green Our Vaccines” […]
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This should come as no surprise. Thanks to Brian Deer, the journalist who uncovered so much of Dr. Andew Wakefield’s shady research and dealings, we now know that Wakefield was paid by lawyers before his infamous MMR study and that he failed to disclose this clear conflict of interest: ANDREW WAKEFIELD, the former surgeon whose […]
In case anyone from Southern California of a skeptical bent is interested in attending the debate about whether thimerosal in vaccines causes autism, here is the event information that I mentioned yesterday: Vaccines and Autism, Is There a Connection? A Thoughtful Debate Saturday, January 13, 2007 Featuring: David Kirby – Author, Evidence of Harm and […]
In a warmup for his “debate” later today in LaJolla, CA with Arthur Allen, David Kirby spews the usual pseudoscience again. I can’t believe he’s still making the long debunked “autism has the same symptoms as mercury poisoning” statement with a straight face, and then continuing to parrot the same old “mercury in thimerosal in […]
Well, it’s finally been posted, video of the debate between Arthur Allen, author of Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine’s Greatest Lifesaver (a book that I am about 2/3 of the way through and plan on reviewing before the end of the month if possible) and mercury militia vaccine fearmonger David Kirby, author of Evidence […]