Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi own a chain of urgent care centers in Bakersfield, CA. Last week they became fake experts in COVID-19 spreading dangerous misinformation based on an incompetent analysis of testing data from their clinics.
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Orac has been writing about this a long time. Finally, the mainstream media are noticing how antivaxers target minorities with their message.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is the committee that decides on the CDC-recommended vaccine schedule. Naturally, antivaxers don’t like it—or any scientist on it. Or any vaccine advocate, for that matter. Paul Offit is a particular target of their ire, and they can be quite scary.
Earlier this week, Chelsea Clinton spoke out against Andrew Wakefield and in support of vaccines. Hilarity ensued as antivaxers lost their mind in rage and faux disappointment in her.
Measles has arrived in the form of an outbreak on Oakland County, MI. That’s too close for comfort to Orac. Way, way too close for comfort.