Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Clinical trials Medicine

Now Steve Kirsch wants to “collaborate” with provaccine scientists?

Steve Kirsch is known for his ludicrous challenges issued to vaccine advocates to “debate” vaccines. Now he wants to “collaborate” with provaccine scientists to test whether vaccines cause autism. His proposal is equally ludicrous.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Steve Kirsch’s New Zealand “mother of all revelations” about COVID-19 vaccines fizzles

Steve Kirsch recently gave a talk about “record-level data” from New Zealand that supposedly demonstrates that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more than 10 million people worldwide. His “analysis” of illegally obtained data from a “whistleblower” was so ridden with false assumptions and rookie errors that even some antivaxxers couldn’t accept it.

Antivaccine nonsense Politics

One more time: The Republican Party is the antivaccine party

NPR recently did a story about the alignment of the Republican Party and antivaxxers. Come for the freedom, stay for the antivax pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Quackery

Just because medical consensus evolves does not justify your quackery

Quacks have long tried to portray themselves as “innovators” challenging an ossified medical consensus for the good of patients. This tradition continues among COVID-19 quacks, in particular the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and its founders.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics

Mike Adams is forced to walk back his violent rhetoric about executing those promoting COVID-19 vaccination

Antivaccine rhetoric opposing COVID-19 vaccines has become more violent, so much so that Mike Adams has now had to walk back his call to execute scientists.