Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo parrots antivax disinformation

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has called for a halt in the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines based on fear mongering about DNA “contamination.” Truly, under Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida has become a public health hellscape.

Antivaccine nonsense Clinical trials

“No saline placebo-controlled vaccine trials”: An old antivax trope

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has resurrected the antivax claim that the childhood vaccine schedule has never been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a saline placebo controls (and therefore the vaccine schedule is unsafe). This is an old and deceptive antivax half-truth that ignores both what constitutes a scientifically valid placebo and the ethical requirements for RCTs.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Del Bigtree wastes the CDC’s time during the COVID-19 pandemic with an abusive FOIA lawsuit

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, antivaxxer Del Bigtree wastes the CDC’s time with an abusive FOIA request and lawsuit to dishonestly claim that there’s no evidence some vaccines don’t cause autism.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture Skepticism/critical thinking

ICAN’s deceptive legal war on state health departments over COVID-19 vaccine messaging

Antivaccine propagandist Del Bigtree’s ICAN is waging a legalistic war on state health departments’ efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination based on attacking them for “false advertising.” This is largely an unforced error on the part of health departments, which now need to be very cautious over their wording promoting these vaccines.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience

When new school antivaxxer Steve Kirsch met old school antivaxxer Andrew Wakefield

Steve Kirsch interviewed Andrew Wakefield, demonstrating that there is no distance between “new school” and “old school” antivaxxers anymore. Also, they are antivaccine, with Wakefield saying there is no safe vaccine.