Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The revenge of “microfascism”: PoMo strikes medicine again

I hate postmodernism. Well, not exactly postmodernism per se, but I hate it when pseudoscientists and purveyors of dubious “alternative” medicine treatments invoke bizarre postmodernist-sounding arguments to attack science or, in the case of medicine, science- and evidence-based medicine. Usually these attacks involve a claim that science is nothing more than one other “narrative” among […]

Bioethics Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

If randomized clinical trials don’t show that your woo works, try anthropology!

A common refrain among practitioners and advocates of alternative medicine is that the reason randomized clinical trials frequently fail to find any objective evidence of clinical efficacy for their favorite woo is because, in essence, science is not the right tool to evaluate whether it works. In essence, they either appeal to other ways of […]

Friday Woo Humor Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

A Trifecta of Bonus Friday Woo: The SCIO woomeister, L. Vincent Poupard, and a fundamentalist Christian have appeared in my comments

Remember the SCIO? It was featured in Your Friday Dose of Woo two weeks ago. It’s an amazingly woo-ey piece of woo that was just perfect for my little weekly feature. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates my having a little fun with it. For example, one of the woomeisters responsible for the SCIO has appeared on […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust denial

Who’s the stupidest Holocaust denier of them all?

Let’s face it. By their very belief in Holocaust denial, Holocaust deniers demonstrate day in and day out that they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer (or the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, pick your simile). However, occasionally, I come across Holocaust denial that brings stupid to a whole new level, and I […]

History Holocaust Holocaust denial Politics Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

Wingnut of wingnuts: Vox just can’t help himself

Well, well, well. Remember about a year ago, when Libertarian wingnut Vox Day shot himself in the foot big time by using a warped logic to argue that because it was “possible” for Hitler to round up six million Jews in four years then it’s not “impossible” for us to round up 12 million illegal […]