Holocaust Holocaust denial

Real Holocaust revisionism

One of the most annoying thing about Holocaust “revisionists” is that they really aren’t revisionists at all. Revisionism is a legitimate academic pursuit in history. Indeed, nearly all history is to some extent revisionist, because new historians find new sources that previously may have been lost or otherwise not available and reinterpret history in light […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

Medicine and Evolution, Part 4: Physicians seduced by “intelligent design” creationism

I’ve been meaning to write about this topic for a long time. In fact, ever since our illustrious Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who also happens to be a Harvard-educated cardiac surgeon, came out in favor of teaching “intelligent design” creationism alongside evolution in public school science classes back in August, I’ve been meaning to […]


Careful, I might actually start to think that someone out there takes me seriously

I don’t normally read the Financial Times. “What?” you say. “I thought that all doctors read the FT.” Ah, but you forget that I’m an academic physician. Don’t get me wrong; I make a comfortable living, more money than I’ve made in my entire life, but I could almost certainly increase my earnings by 50-100% […]


Kristjan Wager returns to discuss the Danish autism studies

Excellent. Having had to work on a talk last night, I didn’t have any time to write anything substantive. Horrified at the thought of this blog going silent on a weekday (going silent on the weekend doesn’t concern me much, given that my traffic almost always falls by around 50% regardless of whether I post […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Medical wiki revisited

Last week, I wrote a rather lengthy (or, as my detractors would probably call it, “long-winded”) post about the concept of a medical wikipedia. As you may recall, I expressed considerable skepticism about whether the wikipedia concept could work as well as its boosters claim it could. Even though others have clarified what a medical […]