Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

I hang my head in shame for my profession a second time

Lately, I’ve been frequently lamenting how easily physicians can be seduced by the pseudoscience known as “intelligent design” (ID) creationism (or even old-fashioned young earth creationism). Yesterday, I even hung my head in shame after learning of a particularly clueless creationist surgeon, to the point of speculating that I might not be able to show […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial Politics

Color coding by religion in Iran?

I’ve written a lot before about the current President of Iran and his anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, as well as the religious fanaticism of the regime he leads. Here’s more evidence of where theocracy can lead: While the Iranian economy appears to be heading for recession, one sector may have some reason for optimism. That […]

Medicine Quackery

Battling quackery in “conventional” medicine

Grant crunch time again yesterday. That means it’s the perfect time once again to dig up something from the archives of old blog and repost it here. This particular piece originally appeared on January 12, 2005, just shy of one month after I started blogging. I’m guessing once again that, because not many people were […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial

More Holocaust denial from the Iranian President

Watch how a Holocaust denier (in this case, the President of Iran) dances around the question “Did the Holocaust happen?” You can see the very same techniques when a denier like David Irving or Ernst Zundel is questioned about the Holocaust: SPIEGEL: It concerned your remarks about the Holocaust. It was inevitable that the Iranian […]

Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

RFK Jr. is at it again, just not about autism this time

I’m probably going to regret posting this article, as I normally don’t venture much into these areas. Chalk it up to its being 6/6/06 and say that the Devil made me do it, but I plan on diving in. Besides, I feel the need for a brief change of pace. Regular readers of this blog […]