Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture

What ex-antivaxer Kelley Watson-Snyder can teach us

Kelley Watson-Snyder was an antivaxer who has now become a pro-vaccine advocate. We can learn a lot from her story and deconversion.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Jami Hepworth (a.k.a. Skeptical Doctor’s Wife): The latest antivaccine activist on the block

Jami Hepworth is a doctor’s wife. Having dubbed herself the “Skeptical Doctor’s Wife,” she has become an antivaccine activist. Unfortunately, doctor’s wife or not, medicine and science are clearly not her forte. She also doesn’t like laughing emojis directed at her.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Holocaust Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Antivaxer Dr. Gary Kohls strikes back against Orac in The Duluth Reader

Dr. Gary Kohls is an antivaccine doctor who writes for The Duluth Reader. After Orac criticized him, he decided to strike bacik. It did not go well. Let’s just say that Dr. Kohls is good at hypocrisy and projection.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture Television

Sharyl Attkisson is back, and she’s flogging a new-old antivaccine conspiracy theory

As a reporter with a decade-long history of credulously reporting antivaccine conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as news, Sharyl Attkisson is an old “friend” of the blog. This time, she’s reporting a new-old conspiracy theory about the Autism Omnibus proceedings. I say “new-old” because she tries to mightily to produce a new version of the central conspiracy theory of the antivaccine movement.

Clinical trials Medicine Science

Mouse studies don’t predict results in humans very well

Studies done in mice often fail to translate to humans very well. A new study shows why, in neuroscience at least, mouse studies frequently don’t predict human results very well.