
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. lays down even more antivax misinformation now that SB 276 has become law

SB 276 is now law, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is very unhappy, so much so that he’s laying down the antivax nonsense fast and furious. It’s particularly nonsensical, even for him.


The tragic case of John Lawlor and death by chiropractic neck manipulation

John Lawlor trusted a chiropractor. That chiropractor, Arleen Scholten, manipulated his neck to treat leg pain. The result? Mr. Lawlor died. Why do chiropractors keep doing neck manipulation?

Integrative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Acupuncture does not work for chronic pain

A newly published systematic review of systematic reviews tells us what we’ve known. Acupuncture doesn’t work for chronic pain.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Blogging Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Duluth Reader: A wretched hive of scum and antivaccine quackery, thanks to Gary G. Kohls, MD

Last week, The Duluth Reader published an article by Gary G. Kohls, MD sliming Orac with easily refutable misinformation and misattribution. Today, Orac takes a closer look at the Reader and Dr. Kohls and finds a long history of antivaccine quackery. Why does the Duluth Reader give such a crank a regular platform for his dangerous misinformation?”

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Accelerated approval for cancer drugs: The FDA failing to protect patients

There is a tension inherent in the drug approval process between the desire to approve new drugs rapidly in order to treat suffering people and the need to be cautious, to make sure that new drugs are safe and effective before they are approved for sale. This weighing of the risks of too-rapid approval of […]