Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery Religion

“Crush”-ing the victimhood gambit among antivaxers

An antivaxer by the ‘nym “Crush” at the antivaccine coffee klatch known as the Thinking Moms’ Revolution thinks that she and all antivaxers have been horribly victimized by evil pro-vexers. She’s a case of extreme Dunning-Kruger.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Pseudoscience

Connecticut Rep. Josh Elliott: Unintentional false balance about vaccines in a legislative forum

Connecticut Rep. Josh Elliott set up a legislative forum with four scientists and physicians and antivaccine crank Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This is false balance at its worst and exactly how you don’t do it. [Note ADDENDUM]

Antivaccine nonsense Computers and social media Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

Jessica Biel: The latest celebrity antivaxer comes out

Actress Jessica Biel Joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to lobby California lawmakers to reject SB 276, a bill to stop bogus vaccine exemptions. Despite her claims that she’s “not antivax,” lobbying with a long time antivax crank like RFK, Jr. and expressing to legislators your belief that vaccines are both dangerous and ineffective are pretty much the definition of antivax.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Quackery

The Israel Ministry of Health cracks down on antivaccine doctors

In response to a massive measles outbreak, the Israel Ministry of Health has decided to crack down on antivaccine doctors. It’s about time, and I only wish we would do the same thing here in the US.

Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture Science

What leads to trust or mistrust of scientists and physicians?

Given all the denial of the science behind vaccines, GMOs, evolution, and climate science, you might think that Americans in general distrust scientists and physicians. It’s actually not true. Trust in scientists and doctors remains high, but there are still areas where mistrust of scientists is a significant problem. What can be done?