Medicine Politics Science

Overcoming difficulties reporting science

Many of the bloggers here at ScienceBlogs lament about the woeful state of science knowledge among the U.S. public. This ignorance about the basics of science and the scientific method has been blamed on many things, whether it be the poor quality of science education in the public schools, an all-too-prevalent view of science as […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

The decision is in: Starchild Abraham Cherrix must have chemotherapy

I tell you, I take a night off from blogging, not even glancing at the blog or my e-mail, instead falling into a deep slumber at 10 PM after The Dog Whisperer on TV, thanks to a somewhat stressful week and a large meal plus a beer, and what happens? Abraham’ Cherrix’s uncle comments on […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

Starchild Abraham Cherrix: The elephant in the room

I hadn’t intended to mention this case again for a while, but an article in brought up a point that, although I had somewhat alluded to it, I hadn’t really explicitly addressed. It has nothing to do with the judicial decision, the Cherrixes’ successful appeal for a new trial and the stay ordered by […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Hitler Zombie Quackery

The monster strikes again

In the quiet and still of the crypt, something stirred. It was barely perceptible at first, but became more definite. It lived again. In the depths of what remained of its mind, only sheer instinct prevailed. It had fed long and well recently, and had returned to its crypt to digest its unholy meal. Some […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

Abe Foxman calling for a “hate crime” investigation for Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic remarks? Probably not.

I had seriously considered jumping all over this story when I first saw it early Monday morning. After all, look at the headline: Jewish groups call for hate-crime probe on Mel Gibson A more truly ominous thing to be calling for based on a drunken anti-Semitic tirade I have a hard time imagining. As you […]