Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Homeopathy deconstructed in the FASEB Journal

Well, this is encouraging to see: A scientific journal publishing an article debunking pseudoscience, in this case the pseudoscience of homeopathy. (Grrrlscientist might object to the use of Hogwarts in the title, in essence comparing homeopathy to the wizardry of Harry Potter’s world. So would I, actually. Such a comparison is an insult to Hogwarts.) […]

Anti-Semitism Holocaust Holocaust denial

Iran announces the winner of the “Holocaust cartoon” contest

A while back, I commented on the infamous Iranian “Holocaust Cartoon Contest,” which Iran sponsored in response to the Danish cartoon imbroglio in which cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed triggered violent protests among Muslims last winter. Their stated goal, was to try to draw some sort of equivalency between their offense at having Mohammed mocked […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Woo: The future of American medicine?

If you’re a physician, there comes a certain point in your career when you start caring a lot more than you did about the next generations of physicians in the training pipeline. While you’re in the middle of training, you are the next generation; besides, you’re too worried about just getting through medical school, residency, […]

Bioethics History Holocaust Medicine Religion

Dawkins and eugenics revisited

When I wrote a post about how Richard Dawkins was being unjustly smeared as supporting Hitler-style eugenics by the religious blogosphere, I figured I might provoke some criticism, particularly since I didn’t just stop there. No, in a bit of what some may consider blogging hubris, I couldn’t resist trying to discuss under what circumstances […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial

Iran: The World Capital of Holocaust Denial for Two Days

Regular readers of this blog know that I couldn’t leave this one alone. Yesterday, the Holocaust-denying President of Iran Mahmoud realized his promised dream of holding an “academic” conference to “debate” the Holocaust. Not surprisingly, it’s a lovefest for Holocaust deniers. Indeed, many of the most “prominent” Holocaust deniers in the world are now gathered […]