Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

You haven’t walked in my shoes!

At the risk of muscling in on Bronze Dog‘s territory, I’ve encountered a phenomenon that ought to be in his list of doggerel but doesn’t appear to be. It appeared in the comments of my post about the Arthur Allen-David Kirby debate and my discussion of how the human tendency to see patterns where none […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

A deconstruction of the “poor excretors” canard

The commentary on the Arthur Allen-David Kirby debate is coming in fast and furious. The latest is this excellent deconstruction of Kirby’s parroting of the claim that autistic children are “poor excretor’s” of mercury. I guess I can say that Dad of Cameron took this one on so that I don’t have to…

Entertainment/culture Humor Music News of the Weird Religion

Hide your children! Gay bands are coming for them to make them gay too!

Oh, no! The gay bands are here! Hide your children, and keep them away from this corruption! So sayeth Donnie Davies, an evangelical preacher who runs a website called Love God’s Way: One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children’s listening […]

Humor Music News of the Weird Religion

Donnie Davies “outed”?

Remember Donnie Davies, the “youth pastor” that I wrote about a couple of days ago, who posted a list of gay bands, plus a homophobic video proclaiming that “God hates a fag” that led to a prolonged debate over whether he was for real or some sort of elaborate Borat-like prank? Two sources tell me […]

History Holocaust Holocaust denial Politics Religion

More stomping free speech flat in Europe: Genocide “denial” to be criminalized?

Remember how often I rail against misguided laws that seek to criminalize Holocaust denial, laws such as the one in Austria under which David Irving was imprisoned? I’ve referred to them more than once as “stomping free speech flat,” and I still believe that’s what they do. I’ve also pointed out the danger of a […]