Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Antivaccinationists: Pot. Kettle. Black. And scary, too.

Wow. I just saw something that utterly stunned me over at that house organ of the mercury militia and antivaccinationists everywhere Age of Autism. It’s an example of hypocrisy so blatant that it stuns even me, someone who’s been following the whole pseudoscientific “vaccines cause autism” movement for over three years now. It started with […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Beware and get ready, my U.K. readers…

…because the author of the book that fueled the rise of the mercury militia in 2005, that indefatigable purveyor of bad science, logical fallacies and bizarre speculations, that useful idiot that antivaccinationists all know and love, is coming to the U.K next month. Yes, I’m talking about David Kirby. Credulous blogger Ginger of Adventures in […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

What is it about Winona, MN and antivaccinationists?

A couple of weeks ago, I linked to an amazingly ignorant antivaccination screed published in the Winona Daily News. In the comments, I was made aware of another antivaccination screed in the form of a letter to the editor to the Winona Post. (Unfortunately, I am unable to locate it online.) Now, today, I find […]

Cancer Medicine Surgery

More is not always better: MRI and the increasing mastectomy rate

“Early detection of cancer saves lives.” How many times have you heard this statement or something resembling it? It’s a common assumption (indeed, a seemingly common sense assumption) that detecting cancer early is always a Very Good Thing. Why wouldn’t it be, after all? For many cancers, such as breast cancer and colon cancer, there’s […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Beware and get ready, my U.K. readers, part 2: David Kirby to speak at the Houses of Parliament in London on June 4?

My British readers, say it ain’t so! Hot on the heels of learning that, bankrolled by antivaccinationists, David Kirby is planning a trip to the U.K. in early June, I find out something even more disturbing. A reader forwarded this press release to me: