Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Popular culture Quackery

Vaccine fearmongers versus Steve Novella

I’m envious of Steve Novella. Well, just a little, anyway. The reason is that he’s somehow managed to annoy David Kirby and the anti-vaccine contingent enough to provoke what appears to be a coordinated response to his debunking of anti-vaccine propaganda. For that alone he deserves some serious props. You may have wondered why I […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Entertainment/culture Medicine Quackery Television

More biased “journalism” about vaccines

You know, I think I’ve found a bride for Steve Wilson. You remember Steve Wilson, don’t you? He’s the local “investigative reporter” in my hometown who recently did a truly awful “report” (it actually makes me cringe to call it a “report,” but I couldn’t think of anything else to call it) a couple of […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Germ theory denialism and antivaccination myths on Medscape

I’ve lamented time and time again how much woo has managed to infiltrate academic medicine, even to the point where prestigious medical schools such as Harvard and Yale have fallen under its sway. I’ve even gone so far as to lament that resistance is futile when it comes to the rising tide of woo threatening […]

Cancer Medicine Politics

The most intentionally obtuse response ever?

You may recall that on Friday afternoon, I posted a bit of a rant about how a certain liberal blogger named Matt Stoller had disparagingly and contemptuously referred to Presidential Candidate John McCain as a “crazy, cancer-ridden dishonest madman.” It turns out that Mr. Stoller was displeased by my much-justified rebuke. His response is an […]

Antivaccine nonsense Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

When “gut feelings” about science attack, or: Oh, no! Histidine and polysorbate-80 are going to destroy our girls!

Some people should keep their “gut feelings” to themselves. You know the type: People who have no knowledge about a topic or, even worse, just enough knowledge to sound as if they have a clue about it to people who don’t have a clue but who are at the same time easily spotted as utterly […]