Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics

Drug safety versus a “Constitutional right” to access to experimental drugs

[Note: There is a followup to this post here.] I’ve been writing a lot about dichloroacetate (DCA) lately, perhaps even to the point of becoming repetitive and risking boring my readers. Fortunately, this post is not primarily about DCA. Unfortunately, it’s about a question that is related to the recent hype over DCA in that […]

Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Quackery

An uninformative “experiment” on dichloroacetate (DCA) and cancer

I hadn’t planned on writing about dichloroacetate, the inexpensive compound whose success in treating experimental cancer in rats that provoked a blogopheric storm about a “cancer cure” that would supposedly never see the light of day because it’s not patentable. After all, I’ve done about seven posts on the topic, give or take a couple, […]

Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Quackery

Slumming around The DCA Site (, appalled at what I’m finding

Yesterday, I wrote about how anti-science pro-“intelligent design” kook extraordinaire Dave Springer (a.k.a. DaveScot) has taken to promoting dichloroacetate as a treatment for cancer and one website in particular, The DCA Site that claims to exist to “help inform people of the exciting research done on DCA [dichloroacetate] by scientists at the University of Alberta. […]

Bioethics Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Quackery

Slumming around The DCA Site (, the finale (for now)

I’ve probably beat this one into the ground over the last couple of days; so this will be uncharacteristically brief, because it’s time to move on. Also, it was fun to see DaveScot go into paroxysms to try to justify the dangerous, unethical, and reckless actions of Heather Nordstrom and her stepfather in setting up […]

Paranormal Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

What did the monkeys ever do to deserve this? (Evolution as a justification for woo)

I realize that this blog has become “all dichloroacetate (DCA) all the time.” I think I’ve said what needs to be said in my usual long-winded fashion, and now it’s time to move on to less heavy topics for a while. Tomorrow, we will have another installment of Your Friday Dose of Woo. For a […]