Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Dr. Vinay Prasad embraces antivax “do not comply” messaging

COVID-19 “contrarians” like Dr. Vinay Prasad have long complained about being labelled “antivaccine,” which they view as unfair. Why, then, do they embrace antivax messages like “do not comply,” even if they don’t use the exact words?

Computers and social media Medicine Politics Popular culture

Attacks on scientists in the age of COVID-19: How “they” view “us”

Nature recently published a survey showing how common online and other attacks on scientists trying to communicate science-based information are. The hatred is nothing new. What’s new are COVID-19 and social media.

Antivaccine nonsense Movies

Crank fight! “Reasonable” cranks vs Died Suddenly

Last month an antivax propaganda film Died Suddenly was released. it’s so bad that COVID-19 cranks are pushing back. Hilarity is ensuing.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Religion

Natural News should be called Weekly World News

Mike Adams at Natural News claims that 72 nations are openly worshiping Satanic idols, making Natural News less credible than Weekly World New. What does this say about the antivaccine movement and its links to far right Christian nationalism?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science History Medicine Religion

Religion, magic, and slavery: Rhetoric about masks and vaccines

If one wants to see how much alike antimaskers and antivaxxers are, just look at their rhetoric about vaccines and masks as religion, slavery, and magic.