Increasingly, the antivaccine movement has become allied with fascism, including openly fascist groups like Proud Boys marching in their rallies. Why has there developed such a disturbing affinity between antivaxxers and fascism?
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At the Defeat the Mandates rally on Sunday, RFK Jr. invoked Anne Frank in an antivaccine speech. Then he apologized. Shorter RFK Jr.: “Oops, I did it again!” Why is anyone surprised? This has always been RFK Jr.’s MO.
Brownstone Institute flack Haley Kynefin claims that COVID-19 “inverts the Heroic Archetype” in yet another instance of how antivaxxers claim “heroism” and portray science advocates as “cowardly.”
Antivaxxers love to claim the mantle of the oppressed, even going so far as to use the Yellow Star of David to liken their “oppression” to that of the Jews under the Nazis. Now they’re trying to top even that by co-opting Juneteenth.
America’s Quack Dr. Mehmet Oz announced that he will run for the GOP nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania. We really don’t need another quack senator like Rand Paul, but we might get one just the same.