A Substack writer who goes by the ‘nym “2nd Smartest Guy in the World” misuses VAERS to demonstrate a “143,233 surge in fatal cancers” due to COVID-19 vaccines, thus proving Betteridge’s law of headlines wrong in this case.
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Claims that COVID-19 vaccines “permanently alter your DNA” were resurrected recently based on a dubious study. No matter how many times you think this myth has been debunked, it always comes back for another installment of the same misinformation franchise.
Bal Gill saw a hot spot on her breast on a thermal image she had taken at Camera Obscura in Edinburgh. This led her to see her doctor, who diagnosed breast cancer. Although a happy coincidence, this incident does not mean that thermography is an effective modality to detect occult breast cancer.
Quacks have long tried to portray themselves as “innovators” challenging an ossified medical consensus for the good of patients. This tradition continues among COVID-19 quacks, in particular the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and its founders.
Last week, I discussed Dr. William Makis’ false claims of “turbo cancers” due to COVID-19 vaccines. Now it’s hydroxychloroquine-promoting epidemiologist Harvey Risch’s turn.