Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics

Stanislaw Burzynski and the cynical use of cancer patients as shields and weapons against the FDA: Yes, the FDA has caved.

As I sat down to write this bit of Insolence, I had at least two ideas for what I thought would be informative, entertaining, and timely posts. I also didn’t want to have to write about Stanislaw Burzynski again after having just done so on Friday, having to note that the FDA caved, granting compassionate […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

Stanislaw Burzynski and the cynical use of cancer patients as shields and weapons against the FDA: Has the FDA caved?

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.” I know I’ve used that quote before several times over the 9+ years that I’ve been blogging. These days, I probably use it most frequently when it comes to the topic of Stanislaw Burzynski. Every time I think that I can give the […]

Announcements Cancer

A little shameless self-promotion of an interview about Stanislaw Burzynski—with blinky lights

A couple of days ago, I got so carried away writing a response in the comments about David Lauser, Sammy Hagar’s drummer and husband of a woman named Liza Cozad, who is being used as a tool to pressure the FDA to allow more single patient INDs (also sometimes called compassionate use exemptions) for Stanislaw […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

My response to David Lauser re: Liza Cozad, Stanislaw Burzynski, and antineoplastons

Amidst all the sturm und drang after a recent post, I was reminded elsewhere on the blog why I do what I do. So I’m going to do more of it today. You might recall Liza Cozad, wife of David Lauser, who is the drummer in Sammy Hagar’s band. She has an inoperable brain tumor […]

Cancer Medicine Politics

The Texas Medical Board goes after abortion providers, but Stanislaw Burzynski practices untouched for decades

Regular readers know my frustration with the Texas Medical Board. Why is it, I’ve often wondered, that Stanislaw Burzynski can keep peddling his unproven cancer treatment with seeming impunity for nearly four decades, with every attempt of the TMB over the last four decades seemingly being utterly ineffective? It’s not as though Burzynski is alone. […]