Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

CBS News’ resident anti-vaccine propagandist Sharyl Attkisson abuses the Hannah Poling case again

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from CBS News’ resident anti-vaccine propagandist Sharyl Attkisson. When last we saw her, she was sucking up to the man whose discredited pseudoscience started the modern anti-vaccine movement, Andrew Wakefield, a man who went on to have his medical license ignominiously taken away. Prior to that, she had […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Too much vaccine/autism monkey business for me to be involved in–but apparently not Laura Hewitson

Ever since I somehow stumbled into a niche in the blogosphere where I seem to be one of a handful of go-to bloggers for issues having to do with vaccines and the anti-vaccine movement, like Spider-Man I realize that with great power comes great responsibility. Wait a minute. That beginning was too pompous and pretentious […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

More legal thuggery against a defender of science-based medicine

ORAC SAYS: Please note my disclaimer. After the events of last week, I’m a bit sensitive when it comes to matters like the one I’m about to discuss. Having the anti-vaccine cranks over at the Age of Autism weblog trying to get me fired over my blogging has a tendency to do that to me. […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

The intellectual dishonesty of the “vaccines didn’t save us” gambit

If there’s one thing about the anti-vaccine movement I’ve learned over the last five or so years, it’s that it’s virtually completely immune to evidence, science, and reason. No matter how much evidence is arrayed against it, it always finds a way to spin, distort, or misrepresent it to combat the evidence. Not that this […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The martyrdom of St. Andy, part 2: David Kirby rides to the rescue (sort of)

If I am wrong I will be a bad person because I will have raised this spectre. Andrew Wakefield, March 3, 1998. Interview in The Independent. The martyrdom of brave maverick Saint Andy continues apace, it would appear. As you recall, last week, after an interminable proceeding that stretched out over two and a half […]