Antivaxxers have gone full cancer quack. This time, they’re peddling “orthomolecular medicine” nonsense in the form of a bad study. Same as it ever was.

Antivaxxers have gone full cancer quack. This time, they’re peddling “orthomolecular medicine” nonsense in the form of a bad study. Same as it ever was.
I hate stories like this, but what I hate even more is the way stories like this are all too commonly reported. Readers have been sending me links to stories about a woman named Alex Wynn that have been published over the last few days, in particular this story about her in the Daily Mail […]
Before I got sidetracked with a certain topic that’s consumed the blog, another topic that had popped up (albeit nowhere near as frequently) was the latest Ebola virus disease outbreak in Africa, the largest in history thus far. Indeed, as horrific as this outbreak is and as terrible a disease as Ebola is, with close […]
There are certain things that can happen that are the equivalent of the Bat Signal to me; that is, if you can swallow the idea of me being in any way like Bruce Wayne. Call them the Cancer Signal, if you will. When I see the Cancer Signal, I know that I have to head […]