Autism quack Dr. Mark Geier recently won a $2.5 million judgment against the Maryland Board of Physicians for having violated his medical privacy by including the name of a drug he was taking in a public cease-and-desist order. Antivaxers are trying to spin this as some sort of vindication of his antivaccine quackery. Make no mistake, the board appears to have screwed up, but that has nothing to do with whether its revocation of Geier’s medical license was justified.
Tag: Autism
Antivaccine quacks like to argue that a healthy immune system will protect you from infectious disease, rendering vaccines unnecessary. It’s a ridiculous claim, well-refuted by the history of medicine. A naturopath whom I had somehow never heard of before, Henele E’ale, is now spewing that very same lie.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. claims that he is “fiercely pro-vaccine.” His words and actions say otherwise, for instance his Indiegogo campaign to raise money to promote antivaccine misinformation.
Many are the stem cell clinics that hype their product as basically a magical cure for whatever ails you like so many used car salesmen deploying the hard sell. Florida seems to be the paradise where these poorly regulated clinics ply their unethical trade.
Move over, Christopher Shaw, there’s a new antivaccine scientist dedicated to demonizing aluminum adjuvants in town. His name is Christopher Exley. He’s got a fluorescence microscope, and he’s not afraid to use it.