Homepaths think they can treat a fibroadenoma? As a breast cancer surgeon, I am offended and amused at their cluelessness. Truly, homeopathy is The One Quackery To Rule Them All.

Homepaths think they can treat a fibroadenoma? As a breast cancer surgeon, I am offended and amused at their cluelessness. Truly, homeopathy is The One Quackery To Rule Them All.
Reports of enlarged lymph nodes under the arm after COVID-19 vaccination have led doctors to tweak mammography guidelines. Antivaxxers, unsurprisingly, have tried to weaponize this observation to spread fear and confusion about these vaccines.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a fact that is hard to escape. It’s one of those things that I have mixed feelings about, particularly now that I’ve had a close relative, namely my mother-in-law, die of breast cancer less than two years ago. On the one hand, the attention that’s brought to the cause […]