Clinical trials Medicine Popular culture

Didier Raoult in the NYT: The “brave maverick” narrative and bypassing science-based medicine

Didier Raoult is back, with a huge profile in the New York Times. Unfortunately, much is left out out of the profile of this “brave maverick,” even as evidence mounts against hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19.


What Plandemic left out about Judy Mikovits’ wild conspiracy mongering

Last week, the “Plandemic” video went viral with conspiracy theories about COVID-19. What it left out were some of Judy Mikovits’ other conspiracy theories! Here’s a hint: They involve glyphosate, vaccines, and plutonium!

Bad science Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Quackery

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi: Promoting dangerously bogus pseudo-epidemiology about COVID-19

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi own a chain of urgent care centers in Bakersfield, CA. Last week they became fake experts in COVID-19 spreading dangerous misinformation based on an incompetent analysis of testing data from their clinics.

Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture

Healight: A highly implausible treatment for COVID-19

Last week, President Trump proposed using internal light to treat COVID-19. Partisans defended him by pointing to Healight, an experimental device to do just that. It didn’t help.

Bad science Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking Television

President Trump and “just asking questions” about disinfectants and UV light to treat COVID-19

Last night, President Trump remarked about somehow getting disinfectants or light “inside” the body could kill coronavirus. Hilarity ensued, but his inadvertent promotion of COVID-19 quackery is deadly serious.