China has long promoted the sale and use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Now the city of Beijing wants to criminalize criticism of TCM.
Tag: COVID-19
Recently, President Trump introduced Operation Warp Speed, promising a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year. Even pro-vaccine advocates—especially pro-vaccine advocates—worry that we’re moving too fast.
Conspiracy theories are at the heart of nearly all medical pseudoscience, be it antivaccine beliefs or quackery. COVID-19 has been a magnet for conspiracy theories.
A new study of #Hydroxychloroquine and #Chloroquine to treat #COVID19 was published this morning in The Lancet. The results? More deaths and arrhythmias in treated patients. [NOTE ADDENDUM: This study has been retracted. Here’s a link to my followup post.]
Just when I thought I’d seen it all, I discover that there are quacks in Ecuador treating COVID-19 with bleach—intravenous bleach.