Antivaccine nonsense Politics Quackery

“MAHA”? Antivax conspiracy monger RFK Jr. is not the one to “make America healthy again”

Shortly after endorsing Donald Trump for President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed he and Trump will “make America healthy again.” His proposals to do that range from semi-reasonable to outright quackery.

Antivaccine nonsense Politics

RFK Jr. suspends his campaign and backs Donald Trump. Quelle surprise.

Yesterday, antivaxxer turned independent Presidential candidate RFK Jr, suspended his campaign and backed Donald Trump, to the surprise of no one. Almost certainly, there was a quid pro quo.

Clinical trials Medicine Politics

No, “right-to-try” has not “saved thousands of lives,” contrary to Donald Trump’s claims

Former President Donald Trump bragged in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention that “right-to-try” had saved “thousands of lives”? I realize that his speech seems like ancient history now, but I still had to ask: What’s the real story?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Donald Trump and the return of the antivax “monster shot”

Donald Trump called Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to try to gain his support. During the call, he repeated antivax tropes that he’s been repeating since 2007. A second Trump administration would be a public health disaster.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Vaccines cause autism, which leads to progressivism and…Trumpism?

Antivax transphobe Toby Rogers got the bright idea that many of the central tenets of progressivism are actually autistic traits. So vaccines cause progressivism…and Trumpism, too? WTF?