Showing once again that there is no old quackery that antivaxxers won’t embrace, “A Midwestern Doctor” touts the solvent DMSO as a cure-all.

Showing once again that there is no old quackery that antivaxxers won’t embrace, “A Midwestern Doctor” touts the solvent DMSO as a cure-all.
Neil deGrasse Tyson invoked the concept of a scientific consensus while supporting vaccines in his debate with Del Bigtree. Why was his statement about how “individual scientists don’t matter” compared to scientific consensus so triggering to antivaxxers? Why do antivaxxers reject the very concept of a scientific consensus and promote a hyper-individualistic view of how science should be conducted?
I learned over the weekend that a historic figure in science-based medicine has died. If you know anything about the history of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you will know this woman’s name, Frances O. Kelsey, MD, PhD. It turns out that Dr. Kelsey died on Friday at the age of 101. Somehow I […]