While Orac recharges his Tarial cell, enjoy a special song for antivaxxers by Flo & Joan. There will be new Insolence soon enough.
A song for antivaxxers

While Orac recharges his Tarial cell, enjoy a special song for antivaxxers by Flo & Joan. There will be new Insolence soon enough.
Last night I had an evening meeting for a CQI (continuous quality initiative) collaborative that I’m heavily involved in; so I didn’t get home until late. Unfortunately, that means I didn’t have the time to dish out the usual insolence for today. Fortunately, I do have a video lying around that made me chuckle and […]
I am taking the Memorial Day holiday off. I will return tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a general principle that needs to be remembered in cancer research: I would also add to that list: So does bleach. So does acid. So does alkali. So does pouring the media out of the dish and letting the […]