Another study appears to link chronic inflammation of the brain to autism. Antivaxers, as always, conclude that vaccines done it. This is a continuation of yesterday’s discussion.

Another study appears to link chronic inflammation of the brain to autism. Antivaxers, as always, conclude that vaccines done it. This is a continuation of yesterday’s discussion.
Prof. Theoharis Theoharides of Tufts University published a study claiming to have found neuroinflammation in autistic brains, and antivaxers go wild. Surprise! Surprise! The study is less impressive than you would think.
Over the last couple of days I noted a disturbance in the antivaccine force, another study claimed to be slam dunk evidence that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines cause autism. It’s not. Also, a word to antivaxers challenging Orac to look at this study: Be very careful what you wish for…