Yesterday, antivaxxer turned independent Presidential candidate RFK Jr, suspended his campaign and backed Donald Trump, to the surprise of no one. Almost certainly, there was a quid pro quo.

Yesterday, antivaxxer turned independent Presidential candidate RFK Jr, suspended his campaign and backed Donald Trump, to the surprise of no one. Almost certainly, there was a quid pro quo.
In 2016 and 2020, scientists expressed surprise and alarm at the results of the Presidential election. In 2016 it was alarm that someone as antiscience as Donald Trump was elected, and in 2020 it was over how close the election was, given Trump’s dismal record on science, medicine, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Are scientists out of touch? And now what, for federal science policy and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
There is already widespread distrust of a COVID-19 vaccine, even before a vaccine is approved. Contrary to claims from antivaxxers, that doesn’t mean provaxxers are becoming antivax.