Litigious bully Steve Kirsch responds to Orac’s post calling him a litigious bully. Orac obliges Kirsch with one most likely final response because Kirsch’s denials demonstrate important psychology.

Litigious bully Steve Kirsch responds to Orac’s post calling him a litigious bully. Orac obliges Kirsch with one most likely final response because Kirsch’s denials demonstrate important psychology.
Tech bro turned antivaxxer Steve Kirsch threatened to dox and sue pseudonymous influencer Dr. Jonathan E. Canuck, completing his journey to the antivax Dark Side as a litigious bully.
The Oregon Medical Board restricted and disciplined antivax pediatrician Paul Thomas. He’s striking back with a $35 million frivolous lawsuit. Is this the wave of the future as state medical boards try to protect the public from antivax doctors?
What do Didier Raoult, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Portuguese quacks have in common? They’re using legal thuggery to silence criticism.
One of the favorite tactics of cranks and quacks to silence criticism from bloggers is to threaten to sue for libel. Ex-naturopath turned science advocate Britt Hermes is currently living this reality, as a naturopathic cancer quack is currently suing her for libel in Germany. Given that Britt is a graduate student in evolutionary biology her means are quite modest and as is no doubt the intent, just defending this lawsuit could ruin her and her husband financially. Fortunately, you can help help her, and I urge you to do so.