Here we go again with a new antivax propaganda film. Shot Dead is even more vile than pre-pandemic antivax films, full of antivax propaganda and exploitation of dead children.

Here we go again with a new antivax propaganda film. Shot Dead is even more vile than pre-pandemic antivax films, full of antivax propaganda and exploitation of dead children.
A recent study claims to have found a link between influenza vaccination and miscarriage, and antivaxers are rejoicing. The study itself suffers mightily from post hoc subgroup analyses and small numbers in the subgroup, so much so that even its authors don’t really believe its results.
Antivaccinationists just love the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) database. As in love it to death. As in “can’t get enough of it.” The reason, of course, is that VAERS is a lot like an unmoderated discussion forum or, at best, a minimally moderated forum. Anyone can say anything they like. The reason is that […]