Orac takes this opportunity to explain his absence and do a little blog housekeeping, followed by some shameless self-promotion.

Orac takes this opportunity to explain his absence and do a little blog housekeeping, followed by some shameless self-promotion.
A week and a half ago, Stanford University announced a conference on pandemic policy that features several of the usual suspects who spread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Truly, Stanford has become the “respectable” academic face of efforts to undermine public health.
A week ago, Dr. Allison Neitzel posted an “apology” to some particularly odious antivax quacks. Predictably, the big antivax sites went into high gear to use the forced apology to amplify attacks on her.
A recent study found that physicians and scientists who are perceived as “experts” are prevalent within the antivax community and more influential because of their status as physicians and scientists. Why do physicians continue to tolerate antivax quacks within our ranks?
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has called for a halt in the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines based on fear mongering about DNA “contamination.” Truly, under Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida has become a public health hellscape.