A poorly framed article on people who believe they suffered vaccine injury is being trumpeted by antivaxxers. The New York Times definitely flubbed it this time.

A poorly framed article on people who believe they suffered vaccine injury is being trumpeted by antivaxxers. The New York Times definitely flubbed it this time.
No matter how implausible it is or how weak the evidence for it is, the myth that COVID vaccines cause “turbo cancer” just won’t die. Quite the contrary, alas. Antivaxxers are—dare I say?—turbocharging it with bad science.
A misinformation-laden review article in Cureus by prominent antivax activists that called for a moratorium on COVID vaccination has been retracted. What took so long, and how could such a paper been published in the peer-reviewed literature in the first place?
I once discussed how antivax quacks’ purported mechanisms for COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” reminded me of homeopathy. The nonsense continues, as these quacks never give up.
Antivax scientist Byram Bridle parties like it’s 2005 and asks if COVID-19 vaccines might cause an “epidemic of autism.” Everything old is new again, sort of.