Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Alan Lash recycles an old prepandemic antivax trope

Everything old is new yet again, as Brownstone Institute’s Alan Lash recycles old antivax tropes about doctors supposedly being in the thrall of big pharma and therefore untrustworthy.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Quackery Science

The New Republic on a two decade war against medical quackery

A story is told in “The New Republic” about a certain entity that readers here might know well, at least longtime regulars.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Nattokinase: The latest COVID-19 spike protein “detox” quackery

The latest big thing among all the hippest COVID-19 quacks and antivaxxers is nattokinase, which is claimed to bust clots and “detox” spike protein.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Gov. Ron DeSantis grants antivaxxers their wish, a mini-“Nuremberg 2.0”

Since long before the pandemic,antivaxxers have fantasized about Nuremberg-like tribunals (a “Nuremberg 2.0, if you will) to punish vaccine advocates. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now giving them their wish.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Projection, thy name is Joe Mercola (and Aseem Malhotra)

In a classic case of projection, Joe Mercola claims a “pandemic of misinformed doctors.” He’s right, but not for the reason he thinks. The misinformed doctors are him and his fellow antivax docs.