An antivaxxer by the ‘nym “A Midwestern Doctor” makes an argument that COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” is not impossible despite the basic science that concludes it is. Sound familiar?

An antivaxxer by the ‘nym “A Midwestern Doctor” makes an argument that COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” is not impossible despite the basic science that concludes it is. Sound familiar?
Jeannette Breen, a certified nurse-midwife, sold homeopathic nosodes as routine childhood vaccinations and got a slap on the wrist for fraud.
Crank, quack, and antivaxxer Mike Adams is unhappy with current AI systems. So he’s developing his own “natural health” large language model-based AI chatbot for 2024. Hilarity will ensue, for sure, but is he at the vanguard of a dangerous trend?
Happy Holidays from your cranky but benevolent supercomputer blogger. He rests for now but will up the Insolence in the new year.
Homepaths think they can treat a fibroadenoma? As a breast cancer surgeon, I am offended and amused at their cluelessness. Truly, homeopathy is The One Quackery To Rule Them All.