Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Integrative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience

A horrifyingly unethical study of chiropractic treatment of infants with torticollis

Orac encounters a study of chiropractice manipulation under anesthesia for infant torticollis. Iit takes a lot to horrify Orac any more, but subjecting infants to unnecessary anesthesia and radiation to crack their necks did it.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Quackery

What do polio, pesticides, and cell phone radiation have in common?

No matter how you slice it, I’ve been at this blogging thing a long time. it’s been over seven years now. It’s been even longer than that, though, because before that cold gray Saturday afternoon in September when I started farting around with Blogger and ended giving birth to the first iteration of Respectful Insolence, […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine slimes breast cancer research again

Let’s see. Now that I’m back from Chicago, having recently attended a major cancer meeting, not to mention having already blogged about the meeting, what to do next? Sure, the whole thing about Andrew Wakefield finding himself just one step away from appearing on Jeff Rense‘s or Alex Jones‘s radio show was amusing in the […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

When burning woo produces deceptive testimonials

PZ’s muscling in on my territory. Apparently, ruling the Darwinian, creationist-destroying atheist cephalopod blogging world isn’t enough, and he has to start moving in on medicine. No problem, given that this time around he brought some rather interesting woo to my attention, suggesting it as perhaps a suitable topic for Your Friday Dose of Woo […]