Antivaccine nonsense Politics Popular culture Skepticism/critical thinking

David Geier: A blast from the antivax past hired to “prove” vaccines cause autism

RFK Jr. has hired David Geier, an antivax quack from the past, to undertake a study to “prove” that vaccines cause autism. Truly, the results are preordained.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Has RFK Jr. betrayed the antivax movement?

Yesterday, I woke up to see an amazing op-ed in which longtime antivaxxer and now HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a call to action that included the MMR vaccine. Has he gone pro-vax? Not exactly, but it’s amusing to watch his fans howl.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Science

RFK Jr.’s MAHA Commission: A battle plan to dismantle federal science and health

Longtime antivax activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was confirmed as HHS Secretary and promptly formed a “MAHA Commission” to draw up a battle plan to dismantle federal science and public health.

Antivaccine nonsense Politics Pseudoscience

Amusing factionalism in the MAHA universe

Even as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. prepares to face confirmation hearings today, there has been amusing trouble in “make America healthy” paradise. Will it derail RFK Jr.’s bid to become HHS Secretary?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture

Dr. Vinay Prasad gaslights his readers about RFK Jr. ‘s role in the deadly Samoa measles outbreak

One of many shameful incidents in the life of antivax activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was his promotion of anti-MMR fear mongering during a measles epidemic in Samoa. Now that he could become HHS Secretary, his apologists are frantically trying to gaslight you. Here’s how.