Surprise! Surprise! Politico has busted Dr. Joseph Ladapo for having altered a Florida Department of Health study to lie with statistics and make COVID-19 vaccines look more dangerous than COVID-19 for men under 40.

Surprise! Surprise! Politico has busted Dr. Joseph Ladapo for having altered a Florida Department of Health study to lie with statistics and make COVID-19 vaccines look more dangerous than COVID-19 for men under 40.
Toby Rogers is an economist. He knows multivariate statistics. He doesn’t know epidemiology and pharmacovigilance. Does that stop him from fear mongering about vaccines? You know the answer!
The claim that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US is one of those slasher statistics that just won’t die. This time around STAT News gave space to Michael Saks and Stephan Landsman to parrot that claim credulously in the service of selling their book.
Recently published 2020 American Cancer Society statistics show that overall cancer mortality continues to decline. In fact, it’s declining faster than ever, thanks to science-based medicine and public health.
Most scientists I know get a chuckle out of the Journal of Irreproducible Results (JIR), a humor journal that often parodies scientific papers. Back in the day, we used to chuckle at articles like “Any Eye for an Eye for an Arm and a Leg: Applied Dysfunctional Measurement” and “A Double Blind Efficacy Trial of […]