Here we go again with a new antivax propaganda film. Shot Dead is even more vile than pre-pandemic antivax films, full of antivax propaganda and exploitation of dead children.

Here we go again with a new antivax propaganda film. Shot Dead is even more vile than pre-pandemic antivax films, full of antivax propaganda and exploitation of dead children.
Tech bro turned COVID-19 conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer is back spreading more misinformation about vaccines and SIDS.
Antivaxxers have long claimed that childhood vaccines cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Now “new school” antivaxxer Steve Kirsch has resurrected this hoary old lie using the thinnest of evidence plus a lot of handwaving.
With antivaxxers blaming sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) on COVID-19 vaccines, of course, they’re citing SIDS now as being caused by MMR.
Antivaxxers are falsely claiming that COVID-19 vaccines have been causing an epidemic of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS, also a misnomer for Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome), because of course they are, and of course to them it’s all a “coverup.”