Just when I thought Steve Kirsch couldn’t get any more ridiculous, he does another online survey linking vaccines to The Gay and The Trans, this one even more risibly incompetent than his usual.

Just when I thought Steve Kirsch couldn’t get any more ridiculous, he does another online survey linking vaccines to The Gay and The Trans, this one even more risibly incompetent than his usual.
Recent evidence shows that public trust in science and vaccines has declined markedly since the pandemic. Why is this, and is there anything we can do about it?
I thought that Prof. Skidmore’s survey, from which he extrapolated an estimate of 278K killed by COVID-19 vaccines was the worst survey ever. I was wrong. Steve Kirsch has Skidmore beat by a country mile.
Last month, a study showed that papers about COVID-19 that are retracted tend to be cited far more than average and continue to be heavily cited after retraction. Clearly, scientific publishing and the scientific community need to do better.
A recent survey suggests that a disturbingly high percentage of physicians are either vaccine hesitant or actually antivaccine. Those of us who have been writing about the antivaccine movement know that this is not new, but it seems new to our colleagues who weren’t paying attention before the pandemic.