Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Antivax ideology: The main influencers are “controlled opposition” and “limited hangouts”

Antivax is more ideology and conspiracy than science. The recent accusation that antivax influencers are running “limited hangouts” as part of “controlled opposition helps illustrate this characteristic, in which the insufficiently radical are portrayed as useful idiots for the enemy or even heretics.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Vaccines cause autism, which leads to progressivism and…Trumpism?

Antivax transphobe Toby Rogers got the bright idea that many of the central tenets of progressivism are actually autistic traits. So vaccines cause progressivism…and Trumpism, too? WTF?

Antivaccine nonsense

The ultimate antivax conspiracy theory

Toby Rogers takes big pharma conspiracy mongering to the next level, claiming it will cause an intentional economic crisis.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Evolution History Surgery

An antivaxxer abuses evolution to go full transphobe

Antivaxxer James Lyons-Weiler, like so many antivaxxers, just let his transphobe freak flag fly high. Does he have to abuse evolution too?

Antivaccine nonsense Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Antivaxxers attack scientific consensus as a “manufactured construct”

Neil deGrasse Tyson invoked the concept of a scientific consensus while supporting vaccines in his debate with Del Bigtree. Why was his statement about how “individual scientists don’t matter” compared to scientific consensus so triggering to antivaxxers? Why do antivaxxers reject the very concept of a scientific consensus and promote a hyper-individualistic view of how science should be conducted?